Soil Carbon and Other Quality Indicators
in Managed Northern Forests


Summary of Results

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Research Sites:
Coolidge SF
Emerald Lake SP
Green Mountain NF
Groton SF
Hinesburg TF
Jericho RF (JRF)    
Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NP

Starksboro TF
Steam Mill Brook WMA
Sterling TF
The Waterworks Property
Willoughby SF

Emerald Lake State Park
1 site - map below
EML - Enriched Northern Hardwood Forest
Elevation: 299 m - 981 ft
Average aspect: 142° (SE)
Average slope: 21°

Site History: Between 1918 and 1921 Robert Alfred Shaw purchased more than 1,000 acres of land, establishing North Dorset Farms. His acquisitions included the area surrounding Dorset Pond, which is now known as Emerald Lake. In 1957, following Mr. Shaw’s death, the State purchased approximately 1,000 acres from his estate. Approximately 500 acres, located adjacent to the park on the east side of US Route 7, is now Emerald Lake State Forest. The 430 acres on the west side of the highway comprises the park. In 1960 Emerald Lake State Park opened to the public. The site is located in the area on the west side of route 7. Some of that parcel is a developed campground but the balance of the parcel is forested and managed (except for the 4 acre natural area). The area has a history of farming, logging, charcoal production, marble quarrying. Barbed wire embedded in trees indicates that this site was used for agriculture/ grazing in the recent past.

EML - Aboveground Biomass:
Average Tree Height:  13.1 m -  43.1 ft

Percent of total basal area occupied by each tree species:

Eastern hemlock Tsuga canadensis 57.6%
Sugar Maple Acer saccharum 25.4%
Paper Birch Betula papyrifera 5.7%
American Beech Fagus grandifolia 4.0%
American Hophornbeam/ Ironwood Ostrya virginiana 1.9%
American basswood Tilia Americana 1.6%
Black Cherry Prunus serotina 1.2%
Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis 0.9%
Witch-hazel Hamamelis virginiana 0.8%
American elm Ulmus americana 0.5%
Sweet Birch Betula lenta 0.2%
Red Oak Quercus rubra 0.1%
Yellow Birch Betula alleghaniensis 0.1%

Living tree and sapling biomass (dry weight):  206.0 Mg/ha -  91.9 ton/acre

Carbon stored in living trees and saplings: 103.0 Mg/ha

EML- Forest Floor and Soil:
Soil Pit 1

Soil Series:

Galway variant

Soil Pit 3

Soil Series:

Galway variant

Soil Pit 5

Soil Series: 

Galway variant

Site Map:

Home Page   |   Contact Us   |   Summary of Results   |   Methods
ATLAS Land  |  Coolidge SF  |   Emerald Lake SP  |  Green Mountain NF  Groton SF  |  Hinesburg TF  
Jericho RF  |   Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NP  |  Starksboro TF  |  Steam Mill Brook WMA 
Sterling TF  |  
The Waterworks Property  |  Willoughby SF